Virtual Work Bingo

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  1. How Does Virtual Bingo Work On Zoom
  2. How Does Virtual Bingo Work
  3. Work Virtual Happy Hour Bingo
Virtual Work BingoTeam

Fight the coronavirus stress with a little help of humor. #Stayhome and play Quarantine Bingo!

  1. Challenge your co-workers to a game of office bingo. Who can get a full house first?
  2. Play conference call bingo online during teleconferences and video conferences. See what bingo score you get and share with friends on Facebook.

Whether you work from home or at the office, playing office bingo is a great way to brighten the day. It’s easy! Here’s how…

1. Choose a theme or search the 1,500+ pre-made bingo cards using Work in a law office? Try Famous Fictional Lawyers bingo. An engineering firm? How about Building Materials Bingo. Got a lot of Gen X-ers in your workplace? Do a search for 80s-themed bingo cards.

2. Using the 3 easy steps, create and print a set of custom bingo cards using Distribute a bingo card to each staff member and instruct employees to keep their unique card beside their desk for the day.

How Does Virtual Bingo Work On Zoom

Virtual Work BingoVirtual Work Bingo

How Does Virtual Bingo Work

TIP: Got employees that work from home? Simply email bingo cards to work-from-home employees as an attachment. Assign a different card to each person.


3. Once an hour and using the call list that is printed automatically with your bingo cards, send out 2-4 new words or phrases via email, text, or intercom. Employees check their card and mark it accordingly.

4. When someone gets a bingo, shout it out! Or reply all via email.

Work Virtual Happy Hour Bingo

5. Have prizes ready. Gift cards, a bottle of wine, or even the rest of the day off are sure to please.